Holistic Healing
Unlike traditional western allopathic medicine which focuses exclusively on the physical aspects of a person, Holistic healing modalities address the wholeness of the individual, the balances and imbalances of one's physical, spiritual and emotional being.
Holistic healing is not itself a method of treatment, but is a philosophical approach. Holistic healing is more than finding remedies and medicines for various symptoms and syndromes that are identified in one's physical body. It incorporates emotional and spiritual well being as equally, if not more, important.
Holistic healing approaches assess and focus on causes that underlie our imbalances. Those root causes are more likely to be found in the emotional and spiritual realms than in the physical. The goal is wellness that encompasses the entirety of what it means to be human, rather than just eliminating a physical pain or disease.
Holistic healing treatment modalities foster the self-regenerative and self-reparatory processes of natural healing. Marie Desroches knows there is a trustworthy intelligence within your body working on your behalf to restore and maintain balance and health, emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically.
Her healing modalities include Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. These combined with her expert Archetype and Numerology readings work in concert to facilitate her clients' physical, emotional and spiritual healing as well as connect clients with their authenticity, inner wisdom, guidance and clarity.