Contact family law attorney Bryon Middlebrook for advice and representation regarding any issue related to divorce, child custody, child support, parenting time rights or any issue related to family law.
Child Custody and Parenting Time
Mr. Middlebrook represents parents in divorce cases, unmarried parents with co-parenting problems and other persons such as grandparents, stepparents, or domestic partners whose ability to maintain a significant connection with a child could be threatened by a breakdown in the parents' relationship.
Child custody and parenting time are the main issues divorcing parents, or separating biological parents or legal guardians face. Child custody refers to the responsibility to support and provide a home for a child and is usually shared between the parents (joint legal custody), as are decisions regarding a child's education, welfare and health.
In any situation where parents or guardians live apart, questions as to the physical custody of the child must be resolved. Often, one parent has primary physical custody, while the other has regular access to the child and overnight or extended visits under a pareting time agreement. In some cases, parents agree to 50-50 shared physical custody, meaning the child spends half the time in each parent's home.
Unmarried parents, like divorced parents, can obtain regular and enforceable contact with their children through parenting plans.
When parents dispute the fitness of one another for primary physical custody, the matter is often referred to mediation. The parties can also agree or be compelled to undergo a child custody evaluation, which can help determine which parent's custody will best serve the interests of the child.
Child custody, child support, and parenting plans can be subject to modification if circumstances change, such as the relocation of a parent to another city or state.
Child custody, child support, and parenting time disputes must be resolved according to the best interests of the child(ren). Call attorney Bryon Middlebrook to learn how he can help you resolve all of your domestic law disputes in a manner consistent with the best interests of your children, so you and your family can get on with your lives.
Law Offices of Bryon Middlebrook
308 North Agassiz St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Licensed to practice law since 1985